Company details
ACG Air Consulting s.r.o.,
Zázvorkova 2005/10, 155 00 Prague 5, Czech Republic
Corporate identity number: 03245292, Tax identity number: CZ03245292
Office at Prague airport: Skyport a.s., Laglerové 1075/4, 161 00 Prague 6
Petr Činátl, CEO and Senior Safety Consultant
Phone: +420 702 052 527
Michal Tráva, Senior Security Consultant
Phone: +420 777 178 805

Local Partnership
ACG is constantly searching for long term partners dealing with businesses close to our portfolio and well established on local civil and military markets.
Our main area of activity is Central and Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, NME and southern Africa – see NEWS.
We search for reputable distribution partners of our superior products
ACG Youtube channel 
Subscribe to ACG YouTube channel and see videos of manufacturers that we proudly represent.