SOLUTIONS4GA (S4GA) is the world’s leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of certified permanent solar – powered airfield lighting systems.
S4GA is a company controlled by Polish government and as of 2021, it has delivered over 130 airfield lighting systems in more than 50 countries.

From the moment when ACG met S4GA, it was obvious to us, that S4GA represents “the safest and the most innovative“ airfield lighting systems in the world. S4GA is technological leader manufacturing cutting – edge AGL solutions.
ACG is proud partner of S4GA because of high reputation among civil and military customers and great design and applicability of products.
Emergency, temporary and redundancy runway lighting
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The main three cases when S4GA backup illumination is required, are 3-6 months runway closure for rehabilitation works; airports equipped with obsolete RWY illumination; and, airports experiencing unexpected loss of primary AGL.
In the first two cases, the airport is looking for a semi-permanent application that will be compliant with aviation regulations, and that will require minimum maintenance. S4GA solar runway lights fit the best. In the third case, the airport is looking for temporary RWY lights that are stored most of the time in a hangar and can be quickly installed on the airfield in an emergency situation. S4GA portable runway lights supplied in a trailer is a solution for such airports.
Case number four is situation where international airports consider application of S4GA lights as a permanent redundancy system.

Conventional 6,6 Amps system is only save as it can be and therefore a complete loss of power supply can never be by 100 % mitigated. It is impossible because of limited safety principle of the whole system.

ATC generates control signal for the lights in circuits and CCR energizes the lights in selected circuits. Control and electricity is led by the same (single) electrical grid and once any component is lost all system is lost.
A 4 kilometers long runway of an international airport encompasses about 20 kilometers of installed electrical cables. Each electrical grid (component) in any circuit means bottle neck of entire lighting system.
Electrical distribution and control network of conventional 6,6 A AGL system between the power plant and individual runway light consists of hundreds of various “bottle necks of the lighting system”.
Mains power outage, damage of constant current regulators (CCRs), substation fire, malfunction of control system (ATC), power (backup) generator failure, cable damage, any of these critical failures or combinations can shut the whole system down.
5-Level protection against system failure
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